The hammers, drills and shovels are working like crazy to get the house ready for this season..........
We have a new addition, but it is top secret and you will have to come up to see what it won't be disappointed.
Hope we see everyone this year at the party. Invites have been sent out, so if you have any us. Reserve your spot now!
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Yes, we are alive!
I have been so busy, that I haven't had time to update the blog in like forever. Once again, here is the quick low down in 30 seconds.
I got tired of sitting at home eating bon bon's, so I picked up a part time job working at a local trucking company in Bloomer. It was supposed to be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00am to 3:00 pm, but it has been Monday-Friday and more like 7:00 or 8:00 pm. I love it!
Joel has been working on the mud room and starting the pre planning for getting the house ready for the 5th annual memorial weekend bash.......can't believe is our 5th year. Hope everyone is saving the date open.
Big Joe is still playing super trucker and trucking his way around the midwest. He enjoys it and is loving being home more often so he can ice fish.
Jonathan is working at Wal*Mart still, has picked up a part time IT job at Spring Brook Express (my part time/full time job), still dating Breeanna and is in school full time for IT.
All the puppies are doing fine. The Waage boys....Oliver, Jack & Charlie were put on a diet and Charlie was crowned the winner. He started out at 20.4 lbs and as of today.....he is a mean, lean 12.8lbs. He almost lost 1/2 of his body weight. We have a new member, Maggie. She is a 3 1/2 yr old red, that weights about 5 pounds soaking wet. She is a peanut compared to even our little Jack. Maggie May will make even the toughest hearts melt!
Ok, I must move on to other things on my to do list. Nancy is coming for the weekend and I am totally excited! Beers, friend and my hair getting colored!! Woo Hoo!
Check Back Often......Check Back Soon
Joel, Amy and Jonathan
I got tired of sitting at home eating bon bon's, so I picked up a part time job working at a local trucking company in Bloomer. It was supposed to be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00am to 3:00 pm, but it has been Monday-Friday and more like 7:00 or 8:00 pm. I love it!
Joel has been working on the mud room and starting the pre planning for getting the house ready for the 5th annual memorial weekend bash.......can't believe is our 5th year. Hope everyone is saving the date open.
Big Joe is still playing super trucker and trucking his way around the midwest. He enjoys it and is loving being home more often so he can ice fish.
Jonathan is working at Wal*Mart still, has picked up a part time IT job at Spring Brook Express (my part time/full time job), still dating Breeanna and is in school full time for IT.
All the puppies are doing fine. The Waage boys....Oliver, Jack & Charlie were put on a diet and Charlie was crowned the winner. He started out at 20.4 lbs and as of today.....he is a mean, lean 12.8lbs. He almost lost 1/2 of his body weight. We have a new member, Maggie. She is a 3 1/2 yr old red, that weights about 5 pounds soaking wet. She is a peanut compared to even our little Jack. Maggie May will make even the toughest hearts melt!
Ok, I must move on to other things on my to do list. Nancy is coming for the weekend and I am totally excited! Beers, friend and my hair getting colored!! Woo Hoo!
Check Back Often......Check Back Soon
Joel, Amy and Jonathan
Monday, January 09, 2012
Let's play catch up for the last 2 weeks......
I'm going to try to do the quick version, but you know me......blah, blah, blah drag it out :)
New Years Eve was the start of our 4 day marathon at Gilligan's. Our original plans had gone belly up, so we decided to celebrate our New Year Eve with Larry and Judy. As we were having a frickin blast, Joel & I turn around and in walks Steve.
He was there celebrating with Pam, Tim and Sue. It had been quite some time since we saw them, so we all tried to catch up. Pam & Steve are doing well and looked fabulous. Tim & Sue's son-in-law had committed suicide and left a wife & kids behind. They are in the long process of healing themselves, daughter and grand kids, but things were starting to look up and they were ready to welcome in a New Year to have a fresh start. Joel & I wish them nothing but the best during this healing time and know that the family bond that they have will guide them through this difficult time. Gary & Nancy showed up with their friends, so the partying continued on.........we closed the bar at 3:00 am! Whew what a grand start to the New Year!!!!
Sunday morning.........up, dressed and back to Gilligan's at 11:00 am for a Noon Packer game. Larry & Judy played it smart and had gone home at a "decent" time......not like us dumb a$'s who stayed out all night. Once again, had a blast and afterwards we ran Grandma Waage up to Rice Lake for groceries that she couldn't live without. Ugh! By the time we got home, we were ready to roll into 8:00 pm!
Monday morning I sprang out of bed to get ready for our lunch guests, Floyd Furgeson and his partner Jon. Floyd and I attended Emanuel Lutheran School together in elementary years and lost touch in junior high. He have reconnected through Facebook over the last 2 years and just thought it was time to get together. As 11:00 approached.......table was set, cocktails were mixed, lunch was in the oven and I headed up to get cleaned up before they arrived at noon. I had left my phone upstairs and quickly checked it.......OMG! He cancelled!! Are you kidding me!! Plan B.........called Larry and Judy, told them what happened and Larry & Judy to the rescue to help eat all the food. It all worked out for the best as we planned on meeting them at Gilligan's for the Badger's Rose Bowl Game. Crappy game, they lost! :(
Tuesday, I sent Joel back to work for the week and I continued my domestic household engineer job :) That evening, I headed back to Gilligan's for Trivia with my team members Larry, Judy, Joan and Norm. We had our a$es handed to us on a platter, but the beers we awesome! This concluded my 4 day marathon at Gilligan's.
Wednesday brought hopeful news that our foster, Paris had someone interested in her. I immediately got in touch with Dennis Clausen, to set up a meeting the next day at his house in Minneapolis.

Thursday was a day of both a high and low in emotions. I was very busy with work and got a late start leaving for Minneapolis. Big Joe was off from work for the day, so he rode along with Paris and myself. We arrived at Dennis's house and was greeted with open arms. It was love at first sight for both Paris and Dennis. He had officially retired last Saturday, New Year's Eve and was wanting someone to fill up some of his extra time. I could not have hand picked a better Dad for Paris, this was going to be a match made in heaven and I know who was going to rule the roost! We met Joel at Eddington's for a quick lunch before we had to get back home as it was laundry day for Grandma Waage. Got to Grandma's in time to do her laundry, came home, quickly made dinner and stay down to do a little Facebooking......That is when I saw it! My heart dropped, my throat swelled up and my eyes welled up...........
Let me start from the beginning. You all know how I feel about animals in distress, hence why we have 7 babies in the house. I know that I can make a difference, one or two babies at a time. I have a lot of contacts with Internet Min Pin Service (IMPS), National Min Pin Rescue Service (NMPRS) and many, many shelters that are kill shelters and non kill shelters. On December 28th, a picture of Lil Red showed up on my Facebook, stating he was at Orange County, CA Animal Shelter and was in need of help. I don't know what I was instantly drawn to him, but I needed to help him(maybe it was that he looked like Jack's long lost brother) I was speaking with David at NMPRS and we started the process to get a ground transport put together to get him to me. Then a fellow rescuer said that Lil Red had been placed in a foster home a month earlier.
Whew! Another one saved from a slaughter house. Now, back to Thursday evening, January 5th........already had a high going on, Ms Paris had her forever family and now some time to catch up on Facebook. Then I saw it, a posting saying "RIP Red". I quickly read through the thread to find out what the F&^% had happened. Red was a victim.........he was 7 years old, in the prime of his life when the Christmas puppy came into the house and Red found himself off to the pound because he couldn't get along with the Christmas puppy. Unfortunately for him, he was taken to a kill shelter on Dec 15th and put down on Dec 21st because there was not room in the "inn". This is where the dog lover, Foster-er, rescuer and the voice for animals that have none..........PLEASE! PLEASE........Adopt don't shop! There are to many dogs being put down while puppy mills and breeders keep the "Christmas" puppies coming. Red will always have a place in my heart and now his picture will reside on my desktop as a constant reminder that I may be one person........but I do make a difference in the lives of distressed animals.
Saturday was Grandma Waage's 83rd birthday celebration at Lehman's Supper Club in Rice Lake. It was the first time after living here all these years that we decided to try it out. All I can say is if you go away hungry, you were in the wrong place. The food was beyond awesome, the portions were incredible and the atmosphere was fabulous. John, Joanne, Joel and I surprised Grandma with her two nephews, Brent and Terry along with their wives that she hadn't seen in almost 10 years. We all had a lovely evening with reminiscing about the good ole days.
Sunday was spent working around the house, installing 3 interior doors in the basement and getting ready for Scott to come next Saturday to help Joel get his brewery started in the basement. Sunday evening, Grandma Waage took Jonathan, Big Joe, Joel and I out to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary which is January 10th. Was an early evening as Joel needed to prepare to go back to work bright and early Monday morning for meetings.
The rest of the week is looking up to be the same ole, same ole.......
Check Back Soon........Check Back Often
Joel, Amy and Jonathan
New Years Eve was the start of our 4 day marathon at Gilligan's. Our original plans had gone belly up, so we decided to celebrate our New Year Eve with Larry and Judy. As we were having a frickin blast, Joel & I turn around and in walks Steve.

Sunday morning.........up, dressed and back to Gilligan's at 11:00 am for a Noon Packer game. Larry & Judy played it smart and had gone home at a "decent" time......not like us dumb a$'s who stayed out all night. Once again, had a blast and afterwards we ran Grandma Waage up to Rice Lake for groceries that she couldn't live without. Ugh! By the time we got home, we were ready to roll into 8:00 pm!
Monday morning I sprang out of bed to get ready for our lunch guests, Floyd Furgeson and his partner Jon. Floyd and I attended Emanuel Lutheran School together in elementary years and lost touch in junior high. He have reconnected through Facebook over the last 2 years and just thought it was time to get together. As 11:00 approached.......table was set, cocktails were mixed, lunch was in the oven and I headed up to get cleaned up before they arrived at noon. I had left my phone upstairs and quickly checked it.......OMG! He cancelled!! Are you kidding me!! Plan B.........called Larry and Judy, told them what happened and Larry & Judy to the rescue to help eat all the food. It all worked out for the best as we planned on meeting them at Gilligan's for the Badger's Rose Bowl Game. Crappy game, they lost! :(
Tuesday, I sent Joel back to work for the week and I continued my domestic household engineer job :) That evening, I headed back to Gilligan's for Trivia with my team members Larry, Judy, Joan and Norm. We had our a$es handed to us on a platter, but the beers we awesome! This concluded my 4 day marathon at Gilligan's.
Wednesday brought hopeful news that our foster, Paris had someone interested in her. I immediately got in touch with Dennis Clausen, to set up a meeting the next day at his house in Minneapolis.

Thursday was a day of both a high and low in emotions. I was very busy with work and got a late start leaving for Minneapolis. Big Joe was off from work for the day, so he rode along with Paris and myself. We arrived at Dennis's house and was greeted with open arms. It was love at first sight for both Paris and Dennis. He had officially retired last Saturday, New Year's Eve and was wanting someone to fill up some of his extra time. I could not have hand picked a better Dad for Paris, this was going to be a match made in heaven and I know who was going to rule the roost! We met Joel at Eddington's for a quick lunch before we had to get back home as it was laundry day for Grandma Waage. Got to Grandma's in time to do her laundry, came home, quickly made dinner and stay down to do a little Facebooking......That is when I saw it! My heart dropped, my throat swelled up and my eyes welled up...........
Let me start from the beginning. You all know how I feel about animals in distress, hence why we have 7 babies in the house. I know that I can make a difference, one or two babies at a time. I have a lot of contacts with Internet Min Pin Service (IMPS), National Min Pin Rescue Service (NMPRS) and many, many shelters that are kill shelters and non kill shelters. On December 28th, a picture of Lil Red showed up on my Facebook, stating he was at Orange County, CA Animal Shelter and was in need of help. I don't know what I was instantly drawn to him, but I needed to help him(maybe it was that he looked like Jack's long lost brother) I was speaking with David at NMPRS and we started the process to get a ground transport put together to get him to me. Then a fellow rescuer said that Lil Red had been placed in a foster home a month earlier.

Saturday was Grandma Waage's 83rd birthday celebration at Lehman's Supper Club in Rice Lake. It was the first time after living here all these years that we decided to try it out. All I can say is if you go away hungry, you were in the wrong place. The food was beyond awesome, the portions were incredible and the atmosphere was fabulous. John, Joanne, Joel and I surprised Grandma with her two nephews, Brent and Terry along with their wives that she hadn't seen in almost 10 years. We all had a lovely evening with reminiscing about the good ole days.
Sunday was spent working around the house, installing 3 interior doors in the basement and getting ready for Scott to come next Saturday to help Joel get his brewery started in the basement. Sunday evening, Grandma Waage took Jonathan, Big Joe, Joel and I out to celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary which is January 10th. Was an early evening as Joel needed to prepare to go back to work bright and early Monday morning for meetings.
The rest of the week is looking up to be the same ole, same ole.......
Check Back Soon........Check Back Often
Joel, Amy and Jonathan
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Best Christmas EVER........
Now that it is over, it is a time to reflect on the holidays and make sure you made a difference in someones life during the holidays.
Christmas Eve day started out at 5:45am, as we needed to take Jonathan to work so he didn't have a car there. Joel & I did some very last minute shopping. Once home we cleaned up the house, loaded up the car with presents that needed to go back to Minnesota with us and got us ready. Joel left at 2:20 pm to go get Grandma Waage, load up her presents, pickup Breeanna at 3:30 pm and Jonathan at 4:00 pm. Once everone was loaded off to Christmas at Rita's party room with John Young, John, Joanne and Courtney. On our way, we stopped off at Wong's Kitchen to pickup our Christmas dinner. It was nice to see Mom & Papa Wong and Michael as we hadn't seen them in years. With food in hand, off to Rita's we went.
After we had the car unloaded, we sat down to a wonderful Christmas dinner that I didn't have to cook! Rita had the party room all decorated, tables set and a beautiful buffet table all ready to roll......
And then the presents came......... we opened present after present. It took us 2 hours to open all the gifts, which are too many to mention. I think everyone was pleasantly surprised. By now it was 9:00 pm and we needed to think about heading back to the north-woods. After the clean up was completed, cars loaded up, goodbyes said, we headed out for out 2 hour drive.
We arrived back to Chetek about 10:45 pm to drop off Grandma Waage and the rest of us back to our house for our Christmas. It has been a family tradition for many, many years that after festivities, to go back home, put on our Christmas jammies and open our presents. Anybody that knows me, knows that I get joy out of spoiling the heck out of my family when it comes to Christmas........well, this year my family turned the tables on me! My #1 son got his momma a Kindle Fire! My #1 honey got his wifey a WiFi Blue Ray player and a Packer Jersey (Clay Matthews)! Big Joe and Breeanna got me gift certificates for my Kindle. Joel got a whole brew system from Jonathan & I so he can brew his own beer! Big Joe got him some tool that he thought he needed and Breeanna got him a charging system that all you need to do is lay your phone on it. The kids got too much to mention. We finally got done opening presents at 2:15am, quickly threw breakfast into the crockpot and were in bed by 2:30am.......well kinda, I had to get up and make sure that Santa could get into the house to leave his goodies!
Sunday morning everyone slept in until 9:00am. We quickly got up, got ready and went to pickup Grandma Waage for Brunch. After breakfast we opened more presents! I swear my family bought out every store in Rice Lake. We brought Grandma back home around 1:30pm, so we could get the house put back together and get in a quick nap before the Packer game started at 7:20 pm. We got over to Gilligan's around 6:00pm in order to get on the boards and gather our seats. We met a new friend, Jack who is the owner of Crimson Hue, right down the street from us. The Pack won.....da! We went to bed.
Monday was our first chance to sleep in and didn't have a schedule to keep, that is until Grandma Waage called to say she needed trash bags. Seeing we planned on running up to Rice Lake to exchange or return a couple of things, we invited her along. We bummed around to see what kind of after Christmas sales there were, some good, some not so much. After we returned her home, we headed down to Eau Claire to exchange ,my Columbia coat that was the wrong size. While we were down there, we continued to do the after Christmas sales and had a little dinner. We got home about 7:30pm and started to prepare Joel & Big Joe to go back to work the following morning.
Just think Christmas Day last year we were snowmobiling! Not this year.......
This upcoming week is expected to be slow at work for me, which is ok with me as I have a crap load of laundry to do. We had plans for New Year's Eve, but they got canceled, so now I think we are just going to head over to Gilligan's to hang with our new friends. New Year's Day we have a Packer game to watch at Gilligan's. Monday I have a old dear friend from Emmanuel Lutheran days that is coming for lunch with his significant other, that I am totally excited about seeing. Monday afternoon we are returning to Gilligan's to watch the Badgers in the Rose Bowl game. Tuesday evening it is back to Gilligan's for trivia night!........maybe we should just set up shop at Gilligan's because we are going to be there all frickin weekend!!
Check Back Often.......Check Back Soon
Joel, Amy and Jonathan
P.S. I would have included Christmas pictures, but due to circumstances beyond our control.......ok, Joel screwed up! For Christmas we purchased a electronic picture frame for John Young and after Christmas Eve, Joel tried to down load all the pictures onto his frame to find out he needed to leave the sms card in the picture frame! Hence, all the pictures are with John Young!
Christmas Eve day started out at 5:45am, as we needed to take Jonathan to work so he didn't have a car there. Joel & I did some very last minute shopping. Once home we cleaned up the house, loaded up the car with presents that needed to go back to Minnesota with us and got us ready. Joel left at 2:20 pm to go get Grandma Waage, load up her presents, pickup Breeanna at 3:30 pm and Jonathan at 4:00 pm. Once everone was loaded off to Christmas at Rita's party room with John Young, John, Joanne and Courtney. On our way, we stopped off at Wong's Kitchen to pickup our Christmas dinner. It was nice to see Mom & Papa Wong and Michael as we hadn't seen them in years. With food in hand, off to Rita's we went.
After we had the car unloaded, we sat down to a wonderful Christmas dinner that I didn't have to cook! Rita had the party room all decorated, tables set and a beautiful buffet table all ready to roll......
And then the presents came......... we opened present after present. It took us 2 hours to open all the gifts, which are too many to mention. I think everyone was pleasantly surprised. By now it was 9:00 pm and we needed to think about heading back to the north-woods. After the clean up was completed, cars loaded up, goodbyes said, we headed out for out 2 hour drive.
We arrived back to Chetek about 10:45 pm to drop off Grandma Waage and the rest of us back to our house for our Christmas. It has been a family tradition for many, many years that after festivities, to go back home, put on our Christmas jammies and open our presents. Anybody that knows me, knows that I get joy out of spoiling the heck out of my family when it comes to Christmas........well, this year my family turned the tables on me! My #1 son got his momma a Kindle Fire! My #1 honey got his wifey a WiFi Blue Ray player and a Packer Jersey (Clay Matthews)! Big Joe and Breeanna got me gift certificates for my Kindle. Joel got a whole brew system from Jonathan & I so he can brew his own beer! Big Joe got him some tool that he thought he needed and Breeanna got him a charging system that all you need to do is lay your phone on it. The kids got too much to mention. We finally got done opening presents at 2:15am, quickly threw breakfast into the crockpot and were in bed by 2:30am.......well kinda, I had to get up and make sure that Santa could get into the house to leave his goodies!
Sunday morning everyone slept in until 9:00am. We quickly got up, got ready and went to pickup Grandma Waage for Brunch. After breakfast we opened more presents! I swear my family bought out every store in Rice Lake. We brought Grandma back home around 1:30pm, so we could get the house put back together and get in a quick nap before the Packer game started at 7:20 pm. We got over to Gilligan's around 6:00pm in order to get on the boards and gather our seats. We met a new friend, Jack who is the owner of Crimson Hue, right down the street from us. The Pack won.....da! We went to bed.
Monday was our first chance to sleep in and didn't have a schedule to keep, that is until Grandma Waage called to say she needed trash bags. Seeing we planned on running up to Rice Lake to exchange or return a couple of things, we invited her along. We bummed around to see what kind of after Christmas sales there were, some good, some not so much. After we returned her home, we headed down to Eau Claire to exchange ,my Columbia coat that was the wrong size. While we were down there, we continued to do the after Christmas sales and had a little dinner. We got home about 7:30pm and started to prepare Joel & Big Joe to go back to work the following morning.
Just think Christmas Day last year we were snowmobiling! Not this year.......
This upcoming week is expected to be slow at work for me, which is ok with me as I have a crap load of laundry to do. We had plans for New Year's Eve, but they got canceled, so now I think we are just going to head over to Gilligan's to hang with our new friends. New Year's Day we have a Packer game to watch at Gilligan's. Monday I have a old dear friend from Emmanuel Lutheran days that is coming for lunch with his significant other, that I am totally excited about seeing. Monday afternoon we are returning to Gilligan's to watch the Badgers in the Rose Bowl game. Tuesday evening it is back to Gilligan's for trivia night!........maybe we should just set up shop at Gilligan's because we are going to be there all frickin weekend!!
Check Back Often.......Check Back Soon
Joel, Amy and Jonathan
P.S. I would have included Christmas pictures, but due to circumstances beyond our control.......ok, Joel screwed up! For Christmas we purchased a electronic picture frame for John Young and after Christmas Eve, Joel tried to down load all the pictures onto his frame to find out he needed to leave the sms card in the picture frame! Hence, all the pictures are with John Young!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
We never got Lacey as a foster.......instead we welcomed into our home, Izzie. She is absolutely the most beautiful red stag we have ever seen.
Izzie is a 5 yr old red female, spayed, docked tail and uncropped ears. 12", 12 lb. Shots up-to-date. Owner give-up.
Izzie is a total cuddlebug who absolutely adores people and loves being outside. She enjoys going for walks and afterwards, she'll want to crawl into your lap under a blanket to take a nap. She is housebroken and crate trained. She does great with strangers, small dogs and cats but doesn't do well around large dogs. She's incredibly sweet and affectionate.

Izzie is a total cuddlebug who absolutely adores people and loves being outside. She enjoys going for walks and afterwards, she'll want to crawl into your lap under a blanket to take a nap. She is housebroken and crate trained. She does great with strangers, small dogs and cats but doesn't do well around large dogs. She's incredibly sweet and affectionate.
Monday, November 28, 2011
One holiday down.......Two more to go!
Hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful day that was spent with football, friends, food, family and then fun!.......
We started by preparing all our food Wednesday evening, Thursday morning we got up, cleaned the house and popped the 26lb turkey in the oven. Off to Gilligan's we went to watch the Packer Game with friends. It was a nail biter, but the Pack pulled it off.......11-0! Woot! Woot!
After having one two many beers, we went back to the house to finish up the food and waited for the family to arrive. After all my years of making Thanksgiving dinner.....I do have to say that this years was my best ever! Along with Mr. Tom Turkey, we served sweet potato casserole, wild rice stuffing, garlic cauliflower mashed potatoes, cranberry tangerine relish and dinner rolls. Everything was made from scratch, no short cuts here. After our bellies were stuffed, the pies made it to the table, apple, pumpkin and Jonathan's Birthday Pie.....French Silk. We sang Happy Birthday to him and onto the birthday presents. Joel & I had a huge surprise in store for him. His first present was a white basket, his second present was a spool of purple ribbon, his third present was a purple dog coat, his fourth present was a purple food bowl, his fifth present was a purple collar with matching leash and his final present was adoption papers for Chica!
Jonathan & Chica had bonded when she came to our house as a foster, when clients came to visit Chica to see if they wanted to adopt her, Jonathan was heartbroken. Chica wasn't what they were looking for, so we pretended we were still searching for a forever home for Chica, when really she was already home with her new Dad! It was priceless to see the joy in his eyes when he realized that Chica was his. I ever so politely reminded him that when he moves out.....Chica goes with him! :)
After the excitement of presents, Jonathan needed to get ready for work.......Black Friday! He is still working in the Electronics Department at Wal*Mart and loves it. He has been there long enough to enjoy benefits and vacation pay. Once he left for work, Joel & Big Joe drove Breeanna home in Shell Lake. The puppies and me took a small nap in preparation for midnight shopping.
We all got up at 11:20 pm, fluffed our hair and off to Black Friday shopping deals we went. Our first stop was Wal*Mart where we purchased a Christmas Present for ALL our guests who sleep in the breezeway......a 32" LCD HD television (even had DVR satellite hooked up on Sunday). Then we were off to Herberger's, Kohl's and Menard's........mission accomplished! We got everything we were going after. Finally got home at 7:30 am and off to bed we went.
Friday was a low key day, Joel worked on the mud room for a bit.
Saturday we were off by 9:00 am to Eau Claire to do some more retail therapy. After a full day of in and out of every store in town, we were back home in Chetek by 5:30 pm to meet Jonathan for his birthday dinner at Gilligan's.
Sunday we went and picked up our tree before it gets so frickin cold. Worked in the house pretty much all day because there was no Packer game :(
All in all the last couple of weeks have been so busy in preparation for getting the house ready for Christmas & the New Year. Joel is trying like crazy to get the mud room completed before we welcome our holiday guests.
This upcoming weekend is already stacking up to be a busy one. Christmas Tree up, finish decorating the house, more wood working in the mud room and last but not least........the Christmas card photo shoot with the puppies! Watch your mail.......
Check Back Often.......Check Back Soon
Joel, Amy and Jonathan
We started by preparing all our food Wednesday evening, Thursday morning we got up, cleaned the house and popped the 26lb turkey in the oven. Off to Gilligan's we went to watch the Packer Game with friends. It was a nail biter, but the Pack pulled it off.......11-0! Woot! Woot!
After having one two many beers, we went back to the house to finish up the food and waited for the family to arrive. After all my years of making Thanksgiving dinner.....I do have to say that this years was my best ever! Along with Mr. Tom Turkey, we served sweet potato casserole, wild rice stuffing, garlic cauliflower mashed potatoes, cranberry tangerine relish and dinner rolls. Everything was made from scratch, no short cuts here. After our bellies were stuffed, the pies made it to the table, apple, pumpkin and Jonathan's Birthday Pie.....French Silk. We sang Happy Birthday to him and onto the birthday presents. Joel & I had a huge surprise in store for him. His first present was a white basket, his second present was a spool of purple ribbon, his third present was a purple dog coat, his fourth present was a purple food bowl, his fifth present was a purple collar with matching leash and his final present was adoption papers for Chica!

After the excitement of presents, Jonathan needed to get ready for work.......Black Friday! He is still working in the Electronics Department at Wal*Mart and loves it. He has been there long enough to enjoy benefits and vacation pay. Once he left for work, Joel & Big Joe drove Breeanna home in Shell Lake. The puppies and me took a small nap in preparation for midnight shopping.
We all got up at 11:20 pm, fluffed our hair and off to Black Friday shopping deals we went. Our first stop was Wal*Mart where we purchased a Christmas Present for ALL our guests who sleep in the breezeway......a 32" LCD HD television (even had DVR satellite hooked up on Sunday). Then we were off to Herberger's, Kohl's and Menard's........mission accomplished! We got everything we were going after. Finally got home at 7:30 am and off to bed we went.
Friday was a low key day, Joel worked on the mud room for a bit.
Saturday we were off by 9:00 am to Eau Claire to do some more retail therapy. After a full day of in and out of every store in town, we were back home in Chetek by 5:30 pm to meet Jonathan for his birthday dinner at Gilligan's.
Sunday we went and picked up our tree before it gets so frickin cold. Worked in the house pretty much all day because there was no Packer game :(
All in all the last couple of weeks have been so busy in preparation for getting the house ready for Christmas & the New Year. Joel is trying like crazy to get the mud room completed before we welcome our holiday guests.
This upcoming weekend is already stacking up to be a busy one. Christmas Tree up, finish decorating the house, more wood working in the mud room and last but not least........the Christmas card photo shoot with the puppies! Watch your mail.......
Check Back Often.......Check Back Soon
Joel, Amy and Jonathan
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