Thursday, June 30, 2011

OMG........It's the Fourth of July ....already!

Boy times flies when we are having fun. This summer has been so busy and now we are fast approaching the holiday weekend. This weekend is no exception.

On Saturday, Joel & I are meeting John & Joanne at the family house on Carrie Street to FINALLY clean it out and prepare to put it on the market. Grandma Waage has not been in the house for over 4 years and it is time. We have rented a trailer and will be bringing all the stuff up to our house for a HUGE garage sale July 7, 8 & 9.........more work for me! yea!

I'm sure we will save some time to enjoy a cocktail cruise or maybe even a dinner cruise with my honey.

The grass is slowly coming up in the front yard and I was hoping that it would be somewhat grown before my class reunion here the weekend of July 15th. We did have an interesting visitor at our house a week ago. Came home from Menard's to find a momma painted turtle laying her eggs in our front yard. Big Joe figures that due to the soft black dirt, she was attracted to our place. After looking up on the internet, we will have babies in approximately 72-80 days. A couple of days later as I was working in my office, we had more visitors........ Mommy and twins.

This is why we live in the north country. Love the wild life.

Hope everyone has a enjoyable and safe 4th of July.

Check Back Often.......Check Back soon

Joel, Amy and Jonathan

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