Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Hotel for Shit!

It has been pretty uneventful since the party. Joel went back to work on June 1st after his 10 day vacation. Maxx has 2 lacerations on his eyeballs after chasing the deer into the wood. Now he is on medication and we think he need a pair of "doggles" to protect him and us from $85.00 vet bills! LOL The weeks after the party we discovered 2 sinkholes in the driveway. The dry well collapsed taking the driveway with it! We had scheduled the new septic installation, it just wasn't quick enough. Yesterday the digger dude came to dig 2 holes for the perk test and is coming back on Friday to start constructing the new hotel for shit!

Yesterday was Big Joe's birthday, which he spent on the road in PA. His job is going well and he loves it....with the exception of having to leave his little Oliver behind. Sunday John & Joanne drove Grandma W's 1995 Ford Tarus up to Chetek so he would have a car.

Tomorrow the farmers market starts out at the Mennonite Bulk Food Store in Barron. I head out every Thursday for fresh bakery, fruits and veggies now until October.

More pictures to follow during the construction of the Shit Hotel.

Check Back Often........Check Back Soon

Joel, Amy and Jonathan

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