Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Busy, Busy.......

We made it through the 4th of July weekend .......it was a weekend filled with lots of work, but we made it.

Friday was quite uneventful with Joel arriving from work, Big Joe coming home after playing super trucker and Jonathan off to work. We went to bed early as we had a early morning.

Saturday we were up & Adam by 6 am to head to Minnesota to meet John & Joanne at Grandma Waage's house to start cleaning it out. She hasn't lived in the family house in almost 5 years, so it is time. We loaded up our Tahoe, John 's truck and a rental trailer. There was still more, but we will save that for another Saturday. We were all loaded and heading back to Chetek by noon. Once we arrived back home, we unloaded all the vehicles and started to go through all the "stuff". We did some marking in preparation for a garage sale at the end of this week. By early evening, we were all exhausted and called it the day.

Sunday, we took the day off. It has been non-stop working around the house since the middle;e of April and in fact, we haven't even been on the boat once.......really! I'm telling the truth! John & Joanne had stuff to do around their house, so they weren't coming up to continue to work on the garage sale. Joel & Big Joe worked on the yard and did some tweaking on the underground sprinkler system. At noon we dropped everything and prepared to launch the boat with us, puppies and beer on board. We did a little cocktail cruising and then the puppies were getting over heated, so we headed to the island. Once we anchored, we got the puppies cooled down. Charlie didn't have a life jacket because the little porker has gained a pound or two over the winter months, so Oliver inherited Charlies life jacket. Charlie didn't do much swimming because he didn't have his life jacket. Friends, Kim & Dan arrived along with their dog, Foxie, who also wears a life jacket. Foxie wasn't interested in swimming, so we put Foxie's life jacket on Charlie. Once it was on, we took him int he water for some swimming and then put him back on the boat. Well, apparently Charlie wasn't done swimming because as we were talking to Kim & Dan.......Charlie cannon balled off the cooler that was sitting int he doorway of the boat! It was hilarious. Kim & Dan then had to leave for dinner, so we visited our would-be neighbors had we purchased the Sumner house. We ran out of beer and needed home. I didn't feel like fixing dinner so I went to take a shower, laid on the bed in the a/c and fell asleep!

Monday, was scheduled to be another work day. yea! We meet John & Joanne and Grandma Waage for breakfast at Mary's Cafe to plan our next move. Once back at the house, the tent went up, boxes cleared out of the garage and table put up.......gee, it started to look like a true shit sale. It's pretty bad when you run out of the 10, 25 & 50 cent stickers.......what does that tell ya? Around 4:40 pm we ran over to Dairy Queen for a quick burger before John & Joanne headed back to Minnesota. Once back home, Michelle and Shauna came over for a boat ride, swimming and fireworks. Instead of anchoring on the end of our point, we decided to head over to the sand bar, which just so happened to be right in front of where the fireworks would be exploded from........we had front row seats! Had a beer or 2 and visited with friends that came & went. After the most amazing fireworks I have seen in some time, we toodled home to see Michelle and Shauna off. Same thing as Sunday night.......shower & off to sleep we went.

Back to the grind for all of us on Tuesday and more preparation for the garage sale after work for me :(

The month of July is a busy one for the Waage's with the upcoming Grandma Waage garage this weekend, July 15-17 is my class reunion at the lake, July 22-24 Courtney's weekend, July 29-31 our visitors are Nancy, Mike and Hannah Dickinson with Mike Mangsku and August 5-7 Nicole, Kevin and kids are coming for a visit.

Hope everyone had a fun but safe 4th of July

Check Back Often........Check Back Soon
Joel, Amy and Jonathan

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