Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another bash comes and ........goes

Once again we had another successful Memorial Weekend Bash. After a week long battle to get the house ready, we pull if off the best we could and welcomed our first guest of the weekend........Wayde and Shelley. We hadn't seen them in quite some time, so we spent the early part of the evening getting caught up on family news. Klaus and Ann parked the trailer at Northland resort, came down to say they hadn't eaten and we all went off to Pokegoma for a late dinner. After a wonderful fish fry, cheeseburger, sirloin steak and multiple beer tastings, we head back to the house for a huge bon fire and bed time for the girls.

We started our Saturday with our annual Belgium Waffle Brunch and as breakfast came to a close, we welcomed our next guest........Nancy. After dishes were done, Wayde, Shelley, Klaus and Ann did the healthy thing and went for a bike ride and bar hopped along the way. While they were biking, we needed to run up to Rice Lake to get a couple of items and get back to the house to meet the rest of incoming guests. Sheldon arrived around 3:30 pm and by 4:00 pm the rain started to roll in and along with the rain came John & Andi driving Buford (Buford is South St Paul's retired ambulance) with the lights & sirens a blaring. Once they stopped out popped the last of our guests.......Bri and Michael. After Buford and the trailer were settled in for the weekend, we prepared for dinner. This year Joel & I thought we would try something different........an good ole East Coast shrimp & crab boil. Yum Yum is all I can say......there wasn't much left over, so we are assuming everyone LOVED it! I can say we will be doing more of these this summer. After dinner and dishes.......the after party started. Pretty much the same, bon fire, laughter and John's homemade Apple Crumble.....................which was Lil Andi's demise!

Sunday morning brunch went well and after dishes we all decided to sit under the the tent for a game of Mexican dominoes and cocktails. By late afternoon it was time to start getting ready for the party. Soon after 5:00 pm guests started arriving for the food, fun and dancing.......
Big John and Lil Andi started the music festivities by requesting all couples submit their wedding songs. Joel's brother, John and Joanne danced to "their" anniversary song....I'm All our of Love by Air Supply.
It didn't take long for the shots to start coming out with vengeance and all the brave soles started to sing their best. Bri, Breeanna, Jonathan, Kyle and Michael tried their hand at it, but it was decided quickly that they were not American Idol material, but maybe they would be a hit on the American Idol reject show.......LOL.

After hitting the liquid courage that was being served in the 3 gallon drink dispenser.......Joel, Sheldon, Klaus and Wayde decided to try there hand at "Mustang Sally" which normally is sung by Mike Kensy, who was unable to attend as he was vacationing in Florida. Lets just say........dam we missed you Mike!

Then once the Doctor arrived for the ceremony, Jonathan and his girlfriend , Breeanna....aka Chickie sang a duet which was very cute.

We were able to get a picture of Pam with hubby Jim before she decided to hit the liquid courage hard and heavy. As the evening progressed, she got enough courage.....with the help of the liquid courage dispenser to sing "Pretty Woman" with her backup singer Mike. After her performance her self proclaimed new title was "I'm a Superstar!" Well, just to give an update........"Superstar" didn't make it out of bed until Monday evening at 6:30 pm after spending most of the early morning on the bathroom floor!

The the best announcement of the evening........after being single for over 5 years, Sheldon brought a date for the occasion. May I introduce.................

Polly the Pole..........and they lived happily ever after!

Monday was spent taking the tent down and cleaning our mess up. Friends and family left for the reality of the real world! With the exception of our niece, Courtney.........who extended her vacation until Wednesday when she will go back to the cities with her Uncle Joel.

See you all next year for the 5th annual Memorial Weekend Bash!

Check Back Often........Check Back Soon

Joel, Amy and Jonathan

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