Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thanks Sheldon & Michael...........

Sheldon and Michael Dickinson came to Joel's rescue on Saturday to help get the trees out of the lake and rebuild the docks. Without their help, we would still be trying to clean up after the horrendous storm that hit us. We were bless with wonderful friends, but not wonderful weather. Big Joe was able to come home to do his 34 hour reset, so we had another hand. Saturday was raining, cold and windy......but that didn't stop our boys from doing the job at hand. Poor Joel was in the water so long that he eventually lost feeling in his legs & feet! It was a long day, but they got 'er done.

While the guys were working in the yard, using the chain saw and talking amongst themselves...........there was an Amber alert issued! Momma deer lost her baby fawn. She was attempting to get fawn to cross the road, but a car come and scared momma back into the woods. Prior to her running into the woods, she talked "deer" to fawn and must have told fawn to stay put. Fawn then ran to our neighbors porch to wait for momma to come back. So, of course had to take advantage of the photo opportunity before momma came back. It took less than an hour before momma came back to get the fawn and they both ran off back into the woods.

Monday, Jonathan finished up his last final and is officially done with school for the summer. Now he will be able to start working more hours and put money back into savings.......yea, right! lol

In case nobody realizes it.......but the 4th annual Memorial Weekend Bash is just over a week away. RSVP's are coming in, but there are still a couple of the regulars out there that haven't sent them in. If you plan on coming and are needing accommodations in the house, please let us know as we will be assigning people to beds in the next week.

Hope to see you all here

Check Back Often........Check Back Soon

Joel, Amy and Jonathan

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