Thursday, November 04, 2010

3rd Annual Halloween Scavenger Hunt

Well.....what can I say but Halloween weekend was a frickin blast.

On Friday, Joel took the day off to complete another quick remodeling job he had been working on for about 2 weeks. I had a busy day at the "office" while Big Joe puppy sat and kept them out of trouble. Wayde & Shelley were the first to arrive with Sheldon coming in closely behind. Shelley was sporting a nice cold, so after a while she & I turned in early while the boys had a beer or two along with a couple of games of cribbage.

Saturday morning we were up early to get breakfast under our belts and prepare our costumes for the scavenger hunt. We have been taking part in the Gilligan's Halloween Scavenger hunt for 2 years and we never had gone in costume, so we decided this year we would put something together. Klaus & Ann showed up around 10:00 and after all the hugs & kisses it was time to go to work in the garage.
After the prep was to Gilligan's Bar & Grill we went to start our hunt. The idea is to go to each of the local bars and participate in a game, test or craft. You get scored on each of the them, but you never know how they are scoring until the end of the hunt when they add up your score. As an the VFW we were given a red piece of paper, a blue piece of paper (a tad smaller than the red) and a white piece of paper (a tad smaller than the bed). We were asked to make an American Flag. You don't know how you are getting scored, you just gotta wing it. At Red's Bar & Grill .....we had to open individual wrapped life savers, lick and stick them on a team members face! Poor Big Joe!!!! The shitty thing about the whole thing is that we didn't even get a picture of it!
After the hunt was over, we all had to meet back at Gilligan's for scoring. In the past we always had come in last. This year we moved up 1 notch to 8th place out of 9 place.
Went back to the house for dinner, bon fire, game of Mexican Domino's and cocktails.

Sunday morning everyone sorta slept in, but we needed to eat breakfast quickly as Wayde & Shelley needed to depart early to attend a family gathering later in the day. Klaus & Ann followed closely behind with Sheldon taking off in time to get home to watch the Vikes game & take his children out trick & treating.

All in all it was a fabulous weekend and fun to be had by all. Now the question is...........what shall we be next year?

P.S. We got almost a prefect score on the VFW Flag score. Me being anal paid off for once......2 points for every star, 2 points for every stripe (13 stripes), 25 points for starting with a red stripe, 25 points for ending with a red stripe and 50 points if you did a flag on the back side of the paper.

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  1. Thanks Wanda,
    You would have been surprised as we were....that most people that saw us thought we were dominos.
