Monday, October 25, 2010

We are winding down for the season..

It's that time of the year that we most don't look forward to it....winter!
Jet ski, fishing boat & pontoon are tucked away for their winter hibernation. Docks are out, yard is winterized and friends stop coming to visit. So to pass the time, we remodel! Lots of plans for this winter, so everyone will have to wait & see what we do.

This past week was pretty low key and nothing exciting to report. Oliver is slowly adjusting to being part of the herd. We have been feeding him with high protein food trying to get some weight on him, but it has been a slow process. Why is it with me putting on weight isn't a slow process? Poof!! I wake up with 25 pounds on! lol

Jonathan has been working like crazy & I'm sure that will continue to increase as it gets closer to the holidays. We pointed out to him that his birthday is on Friday this year.......Black Friday that is! What do you think his chances of getting that day off? ZERO!

We/I am coming back to the cities this Thursday for the day. Our adopted elder, John Young has his care conference scheduled. A couple of months ago, John's family friend, Robert disconnected his phone without leaving any further information. So the nursing home called us and asked if we would take over. Joel & I didn't hesitate to step into the role. Also will find time to visit Rita, my surrogate mother. Never know what other trouble I can find to get myself into.

This weekend, we have our final house guests for the season. It is our 3rd annual of participating in the Gilligan's Halloween adult scavenger hunt. It is a blast....hence why we keep doing it each year. This year though we have decided to go in costume, maybe we will take 1st prize. Just will have to wait & see.

Check back Often.....Check Back Soon

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