Monday, October 18, 2010

Holy Crap.....It's been over a month!.....AGAIN!!

You would think that me being a stay home puppy mom and working from my home office that all I do is sit around all day, eat bon bon's and update the blog daily! Ha.....furthest from the truth. I'll try to give the quick version update:

September 18th was Oktoberfest in which Sheldon, Joel, Big Joe, Jim and myself attended. There was an awesome band and we all enjoyed ourselves.

September 25th Joel & I participated in the Doc Stanley fundraiser walk for Humane Society of Barron County. It is HSBC's largest fundraiser and thank you to all of you that sent us pledges. We walked in Zoey, Senator, Anney and Bear's honor. Lilly, Jack and Charlie did very well even with all the temptation of the other dogs around them. Guess all the trips to the dog parks paid off!

September 30th our contract for deed people moved out of the house. We decided that we are just going to become landlords and complete the rental process with the city of South St Paul. Our new renters Tim & Jeff moved in.

October 2nd Joel & I went to Stone Lake, WI with Jen, Bob, Gena and Alyssa. Jen was doing her first big craft show and did awesome in sales! Her product has beautiful craftsmanship.

October 3rd we worked around the house in preparation of winters arrival. Bob & Jen stopped by. Charlie nipped at Jen and that is when the nightmare started.

October 4th we checked on Jen in the morning to see how her hand was, which she said it was fine. By 3:30 pm I received a phone call that she had gone to the hospital because she felt her hand was red, hot and swollen. Because it was a "dog bite" the hospital had to report it. She was calling also to give me the phone number of the police. Lovely......Thanks Jen! So I call the police office and tell him what had happened......Jen approached him with her hand to quickly, he got scared and nipped her. We at one point thought about putting him down, but after talking to our friends and people at the humane society we decided that Charlie has come across many many people in the last 3 1/2 weeks and has never shown any aggression, we all decided it was the way Jen approached him. So now that the policeman took the report he explain the next step is waiting for a phone call from the Wisconsin Department of Health. That call came the next day.....Charlie has officially has been put on quarantine for 10 days even though he just received his rabies shot on September 10th. He can't leave the house except to go do his vet checks every 2 days.

October 9th we were supposed to go back to Minneapolis to attend our elder, John Young's Oktoberfest Celebration at his nursing home, but unfortunately we couldn't go because of Charlie's quarantine. Big Joe was going to be at Jim's house all day helping to install a metal roof on his house and Jonathan was scheduled to work. We couldn't leave the dogs home ALL day by themselves. So we decided to take most likely one of the last cocktail cruises of the season. We got the life jackets on the puppies (yes, we brought Charlie along for his first boat ride). It was a beautiful day and we were just getting ready to enter into the draw when Jack fell out of the boat! Scary! Joel immediately turned the engine off and we both went to the back of the boat to find Jack. All we could see was Jackie swimming like crazy to catch up to the boat. Mind you the water temperature is 59*, so Joel streched out to reach him and got him into the boat. Thank goodness we always travel with a crap load of towels and blankets, so I wrapped him up to warm him. It took about an hour to get his body temperature back to where it should be. It's funny now.....but it was scary while going through it.

October 10th the guys took the big docks out and moved our boat over to the little dock. More winter preparations........

October 12th Joel celebrated his 48th birthday along with us welcoming another family member into our family. Most of you will think we are whacked in the head, but this house is full of softies. Oliver was rescued from the Humane Society of Barron County. He comes with a story just like the rest of them. Oliver aka: Ollie is so under nourished that we could see ALL of his bones which where all very defined. He waist is about 2 1/2 inches and you can count his ribs with no problem.

October 14th was double duty at the vet. Oliver's junk was scheduled to be removed from his truck and Charlie did his last quarantine vet check. As expected Charlie passed with flying colors and was released from quarantine. He has his life back again!

October 15th in the morning Oliver was able to be picked up from the vet. Unlike all the other puppies, he was pretty laid out for the day.

October 16th Joel tried to finish the coat closet but cleaned up early to visit with Scott Litfin, an old family friend.

Sunday, Joel worked on the coat closet, went to Chetek Lanes to get his new bowling ball drilled and headed to Rice Lake to get additional materials for the closet.

So as you can see......not much going on's when the "lake season" is over. We do have one last hur-rah on Saturday, October 30th, when Wayde, Shelley, Klaus, Ann and Sheldon come up for Gilligan's annual Halloween Scavenger hunt. This will be our 3rd year of participating but our first year of actually going in costume. Our choice of costume is awesome and hopefully we will win 1st place!

We maybe be closed for sleeping large groups, but we still have the ability to sleep a family comfortable. So if you are wanting to come up, let us know because we would love to have you :)

Check Back Often.......Check Back Soon

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