Monday, December 06, 2010

Another week passes.......

The past week has been a count down to getting the house ready for Christmas before I start training for the new job.

Joel scheduled himself to work from home on Thursday, unfortunately corporate never e-mailed him the information he needed to complete his job. So he screwed around the house while I worked.

Friday, Joel had taken the day off, Jonathan was scheduled off, but I needed to work. Joel kept on checking to see if corporate finally had sent him his work stuff. Once I got my freight covered, we all headed out to see if we could find the perfect family Christmas tree. We decided to go check out "Snowshoe Valley" in Almena/Clumberland area. Once we arrived, we read a sign stating how a lot of their trees suffered from an early spring, summer storms and that they were planning on closing for the 2011 year to allow their trees recuperate. We were unable to find the right tree. As dusk starts to settle in, we make the decision that we would be unable to get to the next tree farm by the time they close. We flipped a"U" and headed back towards Clumberland to go "Louie's Meats". After picking some butcher cut meats, we stopped at "The Tower House" for dinner.

Saturday morning, we all got up bring & early to go get the tree before Jonathan had to be to work at 11:00 am. It was the most absolutely beautiful had snowed overnight, so it was clean & fresh. While we were heading up to Birchwood, it was lightly snowing.......It was picture perfect. Once we arrived at the tree farm they handed us a saw and out into the woods we headed. After about 30 minutes .....we found it. Joel & Jonathan cut it down and once it was the task of loading it onto the car!

Once it was loaded, we headed to drop Jonathan off at his work. Joel & I continued on with dropping the tree off at home, picking up the garland and our weekly errands.

Sunday, we started working on decorating the house for Christmas and my final preparations for my first day of work.

So with that all said.......I must go get ready for work!

Check Back Often......Check Back Soon

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