Monday, January 24, 2011

Drinking Opportunities.......Thanks to the Packers

Last Friday was a busy day with the was nice and refreshing to keep hopping all day long with freight. Thanks Sheldini for your part :) After a busy day, I welcomed by beloved husband home after not seeing him for 5 days. It is such a long time, but with the cost of fuel raising....we have no choice.

Saturday, Joel & I were going to do some snowmobiling, but Big Joe & Jim decided they were going to go to upper Prairie Lake to do some fishing. So we just decided to do our errands in Rice Lake and true to form.....we blew off the whole day by shopping, lunching and bumming around. Saturday evening Joel spent time lounging while I proceeded to drink a bottle of Sangria all by myself while doing a little Face booking & backgammon. I love quiet evenings.......until 11:45 pm when we received a call from our son stating he had hit a patch of ice on his way home from work, hit the curb and into the snow he went. He got himself out, but felt something was wrong with his car. He drove to the Shopko parking lot and called Joel. So we get out of bed, get dressed and hopped in a COLD car at midnight! It sucked! After Joel looked at the car it appears he did something to the suspension, bent the tire rim and screwed up the steering. As of right now we are waiting to see what the estimate is before we decide to turn it into insurance.

Sunday morning we decide we are going to do a little snowmobiling. We gas em' up, get us bundled up and head out towards Gilligan's......needless to say that is far as we got. Tailgating, friends and beers at 11:00 am in the morning for a 2:00 pm Packer Football game.......nice! We had a delightful afternoon filled with beers, shots and touchdowns. After it was determined the Pack was going to the Super Bowl, as if we hadn't had enough beers.....we decide to do a little SWI (snowmobiling under the influence) and go bar hopping. Quick stop at Lynda's Lakeshore for a bucket of beers and then onto Red's for a Bailey's & coffee and a quick bite to eat. Home by 8:30 pm

Today it is a quick clean of the house, laundry and business paperwork before Joel comes home with Grandma Waage. She will be here for just a couple of days.

Now we prepare for another drinking opportunity on Sunday, February 6th as the Pack take on the Steelers.....if you have nothing to do, please join us at Gilligan's.....guarantee it is an experience nothing like you have ever experienced before :)

Check Back Often......Check Back Soon

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